Sri Tathata is a device of the Divine Will. He is the selected Prophet of Divine Dharma for the novel age to come. Sri Tathata lives in the world with the space work to fracture the shields of darkness covering human awareness today and inspire the light of Dharma in all aspects of life.
He has come to harmonise the currently anxious energies of Nature, to prompt the growth of human awareness and institute great living on earth. The name Tathata that Mother Nature gave him literally means: state of complete excellence.
At his birth, Sri Tathata showed the signs of a heavenly creature. Throughout His early years, he left home and established in privacy task deep Tapas for many years, as directed by the heavenly Will. His awareness was mainly of the time completely immersed in the Cosmic Consciousness. During a great knowledge at the height of his asceticism, the heavenly Mother showed Him together the full Glories of the life and the depth of the world’s sufferings.
While he presently came out from solitude, he had become an ideal Instrument of the Divine Will: He was ready for his duty to attract the energy of Dharma from the supreme Source, recognized it and increase it to the world. He began to begin established souls to the lane of Dharma.
Inside the year 1991 Sri Tathata proclaimed the Dharma for the new age at Sarnath near

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