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Monday, March 9, 2009

Ramesh Balsekar

Ramesh Balsekar

Ramesh S. Balsekar worked as the General Manager of a important nationalized Bank and leave as its leader in 1977. Soon after his retirement he met the well-known sage, and his Guru, Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. The total considerate that ‘no one does anything’ happened in 1979. Ramesh began translating mainly of the daily talks held by Nisargadatta Maharaj at this time. He himself began teaching in 1982. The ‘command’ to talk was given by his Guru. These talks or ‘conversation’ began on the day when an Australian man showed up at his door early one morning.


The next day, this Australian returned with a little of his friends. Slowly, the number of visitors who came to listen to listen the Ramesh began to produce. While then, he was written over 20 books and held some seminars in Europe and the USA and, while he is in Mumbai, the talks maintain every morning at his house. As Ramesh says, “No one is invited, and everyone is welcome.”


Ramesh, who is wedded and a father of three children, is widely regarded as a ‘householder’ Guru. He elaborates his own concepts with those of his Guru Nisargadatta Maharaj, the Buddha, Ramana Maharshi, elected Hindu scriptures as well as the knowledge of Taoist Master and Wei Wui Wei. Every one serves as pointers to the fact-The final Understanding. 

Swami Ramesh Balsekar Wallpaper

Saint Ramesh Balsekar Pictures

Ramesh Balsekar Snaps

Ramesh Balsekar Photos

Guru Ramesh Balsekar Photo




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