Jiddu Krishnamurti
Jiddu Krishnamurti was born on May 12, 1895, in the small town of Madanapalle in Chittoor District in Andhra Pradesh about 150 miles west of Madras. His family was of Telugu-speaking Brahmins. His father, Jiddu Narianiah, was working as an executive of the then colonial British administration. His parents were second cousins, having a total of eleven children, only six of whom live childhood.
In 1903, the family settled in Cudappah, where Krishnamurti, throughout a previous stay, had contracted malaria, a disease with which he would suffer regular bouts over many years. He was a sensitive, dreamy and sickly child and was often taken to be spiritually retarded. He was beaten frequently at school by his teachers and at home by his father.
In memoirs he write when he was eighteen he describes psychic experiences he had during that time, having seen his sister after her death in 1904, and his mother who had died in 1905 when he was ten.
Still through an observant orthodox Brahmin, Krishnamurti’s father Narianiah had been a member of the Theosophical Society since 1882. Narianiah retired from work at the end of 1907, and, being of limited means, wrote to Annie Besant, then president of the Theosophical Society, seeking employment at the Theosophical head residence at Adyar. He was finally hired by the society as a clerk, and he moved with his family to there in January, 1909.
Narianiah and his four needy sons were at first assigned to live in a small cottage that lacked sufficient sanitation and which was situated just outside of the Theosophical compound. As a result of poor living conditions, Krishnamurti and his brothers were soon underfed and diseased with lice.
It was in April of 1909 when krishnamurti was encountered by a famous occulist and high-ranking the osophist C.W. Leadbeater, who claimed clairvoyance. Through his forays to the Theosophical estate’s beach at the near Adyar River, Lead beater had noticed krishnamurti and was astonished by the “most wonderful aura he had ever seen, without a particle of selfishness in it”. This burly feeling was notwithstanding Krishnamurti’s outward exterior, which, according to eyewitnesses, was pretty ordinary, unimpressive, and unkempt. The boy was also measured “chiefly dim witted”, he frequently had a “vacant expression” that “gave him an almost moronic look”. Lead beater remains unshaken that the boy would become a great teacher.
The Theosophical Leadership in 1911 established a new organization called of the Star in the East in order to organize the world for the aforementioned coming of the World Teacher. Krishnamurti was named as its head, with superior Theosophists in special positions. Connection was release to anybody who established the doctrine of the coming of the World Teacher.
Swami Jiddu Krishnamurti Photos
Saint Jiddu Krishnamurti Pictures
Jiddu Krishnamurti Wallpaper
Jiddu Krishnamurti Snaps
Guru Jiddu Krishnamurti Photo