Sri Sarvabhavanadasa Prabhu
Sri Sarvabhavanadasa Prabhuji was born in Calcutta in the year 19.05.1948. He belongs from a middleclass family. His father was a civil lawyer and his mother was a Sanskrit scholar. He finished B.A. from Calcutta University with philosophy and English honors.
He set out on a world journey in 1969 and arrived in Germany. Then after he joined Hamburg University and finished masters in visual communication in 1974.
He recognized spiritual creation into the Vaisnava crease in 1975 from Om Visnupada astottarasata Tridandi Swami Bhaktivedanta svami prabhupada, the well-known follower of om visnupada astottarasata bhaktisiddhanta sarasvati thakura prabhupada, coming in the divine parampara of brahma-madhva-gaudiya sampradaya.
He came back to india in 1976 and started writing and translating spiritual literature into english, as per his guru's order. He has 14 titles published from different publishing houses till date.
After a long period in 1981, he met the great spiritualist Pujyapada Sri Himangshu Chakravartyji who initiated and trained him for 11 years, in the “sattvika tantra” tradition of Bengal.
Sri Chakravrrtyji had finished the awesome ritual of 'dasa mahavidya' three times in his lifetime.
Sri sarvabhavanadasaji is currently busy in lecturing, writing and counseling on Vedic spirituality in Europe, containing his base in Germany, Berlin.
He set out on a world journey in 1969 and arrived in Germany. Then after he joined Hamburg University and finished masters in visual communication in 1974.
He recognized spiritual creation into the Vaisnava crease in 1975 from Om Visnupada astottarasata Tridandi Swami Bhaktivedanta svami prabhupada, the well-known follower of om visnupada astottarasata bhaktisiddhanta sarasvati thakura prabhupada, coming in the divine parampara of brahma-madhva-gaudiya sampradaya.
He came back to india in 1976 and started writing and translating spiritual literature into english, as per his guru's order. He has 14 titles published from different publishing houses till date.
After a long period in 1981, he met the great spiritualist Pujyapada Sri Himangshu Chakravartyji who initiated and trained him for 11 years, in the “sattvika tantra” tradition of Bengal.
Sri Chakravrrtyji had finished the awesome ritual of 'dasa mahavidya' three times in his lifetime.
Sri sarvabhavanadasaji is currently busy in lecturing, writing and counseling on Vedic spirituality in Europe, containing his base in Germany, Berlin.

Sri Sarvabhavanadasa Prabhuji

Sri Sarvabhavanadasa Prabhu Photo

Sri Sarvabhavanadasa Prabhuji Picture

Sri Sarvabhavanadasa Prabhuji Wallpaper
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