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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Swami Avdheshanand Giriji Maharaj

Swami Avdheshanand Girji who is called as “Swamiji”, was born in 24th November, 1962 in Khurja, Bulandsher, UP, India.

Swamiji is blessed with the name “SWAMI Avdheshanand GIRI MAHARAJ” by his true seekers of the truth with saintly heights. The all that are eager for the grace of God, can come here and contact with the Swamiji who will show the right path to the God-realization. It indicates self consciousness and constant carnival of the “Supreme Bliss” of life.

Swamii was born near the beginning of Kartik Purnima and he belongs to a high caste Brahmin family. In Himalayas, he passed his most of years as a “Hermit”. He belongs to only those sages who born in our country having idealistic ritual and leave the influence of them to the millions people and inspire them. He is noble living with extra ordinary personality.

Swamiji helps to lead his disciples (follower) to the path of peace and redemption, ablactating them away from the temporal delusion. His name, his followers and his sermon symbolize the most hallowed love, the most elevated wisdom where the seed of "Bhagwad Tatva" (Essence of Eternity) can be grown.

Swami Avdheshanand Giriji Maharaj Picture

Swami Avdheshanand Giriji Maharaj Photo

Swami Avdheshanand Giriji Maharaj Wallpaper

Acharya Avdheshanand Giriji Maharaj Picture

Guru Avdheshanand Giriji Maharaj Image

Guru Saint Avdheshanand Giriji Maharaj


Madhukar was born in 1957, Stuttgart in Germany. He performed as a TV journalist after the completion the studies of university in economics. In the age of near maturity, Madhukar wondered through Asia for several years, he surveyed and studied with the “Tantrik-Buddhist Dzogchen-Master Namkhai Norbu”.

He experienced and noticed what he calls a "spontaneous Kundalini-enlightenment." In 1992, while he was staying in India, he came across with his master H.W.L. Poonja who was a disciple of Ramana Maharshi-an Indian sage. He embodied the message of “Advaita” and his master got him realize about the fact of “who he really is” and.

In the 80’s, While he was on the way in the searching the answer of the questions for spiritual and philosophical, he felt an enlightenment experience which was so powerful after the experience of a close death. When he completed his training as a meditation teacher and Yoga, gradually he realized that his search which was so far from existence is over.

At present, the essential knowledge of Advaita has been spreading by him through Satsang. He has been performing this act since coming back to Europe in 1997.

Madhukar has his house in Amsterdam and he prefers to spend the months of winter in Nepal and India.

Madhukar Photo

Madhukar Picture

Madhukar Image

Madhukar From germany

Bild Madhukar Image

Madhukar Wallpaper

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is commonly famed as Ravi Shankar who was born on 13th May 1956 in Tamilnadu, India as Ravi Shankar Ratnam. He is a good spiritual leader and a founder of the Art of Living Foundation which was founded in the year 1982.

The art of Living Foundation aims at allaying both human being stress and societal troubles and violence, and which is non-governmental organization-NGO with UNESCO advisory status.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar often referred to merely as "Sri Sri"-honorific or as “Gurudev” or “Guruji”. He also recognized in the year of 1997 a “Geneva-based charity”, the “International Association for Human Values”, an NGO that connected in relief work and urban (rural) development and aims to further shared worldwide values.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Photo

Guru Saint Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar & Hema Malini Photo

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Wallpaper

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Picture

Sawmi Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Image

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar & Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Picture

Swami Saint Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Image

Saint Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Wallpaper

Dattatyreya Siva Baba

Dattatyreya Siva Baba was born in the year of 1949 in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu, India. He is a scholar mystic and his interested matter contains educational and experimental dimensions of mysticism, combination of spirituality and science, Vedic astrology, biological development of the physical body and its alteration a light body.

Mind-Sound Technology and Soul Genetics are founded by Dattatyreya Siva Baba. Tripura Foundation is as the “charitable” and humanitarian section is as considered Baba's organization. Though originally he is from India but at present he has been living in the U.S.

Dattatyreya Siva Baba has given so many stories related magical events which he shares. He taught us about the topic “how to believe in” and experience the unbelievable

Dattatreya Siva Baba

Dattatreya Siva Baba Photo

Photo of Dattatreya Siva Baba

Dattatreya Siva Baba Picture

Dattatreya Siva Baba Wallpaper

Dattatreya Siva Baba Image

Friday, July 23, 2010

Maitreya Ishwara

Maitreya Ishwara was born on July 6, 1949 in England. He belongs from middle-class family in widnes, Cheshire. In his childhood, he was sensitive and shy. He worked as a good drummer and musician in his younger age. He was badly influenced by his band’s leader and had committed some petty crimes just for thrill, but shortly he ended with borstal.

After prison and some badly experiences of his life, he tried himself to turn at spiritual side and thought something to do for others. His related gurus are Osho and Ramesh Balsekar and other related Gurus are Shiva and Budhha.

In 1971, his quest for truth started. After the first spiritual get-together with Dalai Lama, in Osho he found his spiritual teacher in 1975. His meditation-intensive with Shambu, Ibiza. First satori by meeting of Poonjaji, Lucknow and second satori with Ramesh Balsekar, Bombay.

Later two years of meditation, he returned with Baba Purnanand and also Samdarshi in the Himalayas. In 1995, he felt the first experience of enlightenment and gradually felt God-realization and full enlightenment. Then after he started Satsangs globally since 1998.

He also wrote the book “Unity“. In 2000, New Zealand, establishment of Maitreya Meditation Centre (“Buddhafield“) take place.

Now as a messenger of source, Maitreya is fulfilling his fate. He has lost all sense of independent willing and functions only as a gadget of God.

Maitreya Ishwara Picture

Maitreya Ishwara Wallpaper

Maitreya Ishwara Photo

Maitreya Ishwara Image

Photo of Maitreya Ishwara

Elisabeth Haich

Elisabeth Haich, a spiritual teacher, was born on March 20, 1897 in Budapest, Hungary. She was also an author of several books devoted to spiritual subjects. After the ending of the World War II, she escaped to Switzerland and appeared at the oldest yoga school, with Selvarajan Yesudian in Europe.

Elisabeth Haich reported the all things in the dramatic story such as her introduction to yoga in ancient Egypt, about her past life and her apprenticeship with Divine Ptahotep in her best known book “Initiation”.

Elisabeth Haich was the second child from four children, belonged from upper middle class family. She expressed as painter, sculptress and pianist. She continued her efforts in her these unique gifts and she was succeeded. After the 1st world war, she was globally recognized artist in the time and her sculptures were exhibited in Hungry and in plazas, as monuments.

From early age, she started to show special interest in esoteric knowledge because of inclination to art. She got married and had a son who helped her later by joining her in teaching Yoga in Switzerland.

With Selvarajan Yesudian-an Indian Yoga teacher, Elisabeth Haich started her lifetime spiritual partnership and companionship. She lectured and counseled seekers until the end of her life. She played her role as spiritual teacher with him constantly for 55 years till she died.

In other books, she included so many things such as Yoga & Destiny, The Day with Yoga, Sexual Energy, Self Healing, and Yoga & Wisdom of the Tarot.

Elisabeth Haich died on July 1, 1994. She was died in 1994.

Elisabeth Haich Photo

Elisabeth Haich Wallpaper

Elisabeth Haich Picture

Elisabeth Haich Image

Ashoka Gyastu

Ashoka Gyastu was born on April 20, 1992. He was a spiritual thinker. His tradition was Buddhism. United Status was the main country of his Activity.

He was linked with Ancestor Gurus, Adi Shankara ,Bhogar Siddhar and Buddha.

His other related Gurus such as Dalai Lama, Lao Tse, Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Dattatreya Siva Baba.

Ashoka Gyatsu, often called to simply as “Ashoka” for short. When you take moment by looking into his inner self for truth and can found it less than 4 years of powerful meditation. Currently he resides in the United States with his family unit.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Suzanne Segal

Suzanne Segal was born on 1955 in USA. She was a good spiritual teacher. Her related gurus were Papaji and Gangaji.

Through weekly dialogues and training group, Suzanne Segal was offering her teachings to public for her fellow therapists for very short time. She published her famous autobiographic book “Collision with the Infinite" in 1996.

Over a period of a few months, the feelings of huge fear came back, stronger than ever before, even though she asserted there was nobody who was being terrified. Then she stopped teaching and begun to consult various healers, doctors and therapists.

After years of some practicing and teaching of “Transcendental Meditation” this was Suzanne’s self generated dropping of her usual sense of a 'me', or as how she used to call it a “collision with the infinite.”

She met Gangaji and Andrew Cohen and during these years and she also had personal talks with both of them.

She continued her reading and interested spiritual teachings. Of all spiritual persons, she had met and read of Sri Ramana Maharshi to whom she considered as spiritual father and she felt was most clear.

She was diagnosed with an immense brain tumor in February of 1997. At the age of 42, she died on 1st April, 1997.

Suzanne Segal Photo

Suzanne Segal Image

Suzanne Segal Wallpaper

Suzanne Segal Picture

Suzanne Segal

David Spero

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tony Samara

Tony Samara was born on 30th May, 1965 in England, grew up in Egypt and later Norway where he came to get in touch with the “Zen Buddhist philosophy”.

Later this event led him to the “Mount Baldy Zen Center in California”, USA where he learned the spiritual teachings of “Kyozan Joshu Sasaki”. He had curiosity to live and learn with shamanic communities around the globe so he went on. He lived and learned among a community of Shamans-the most influential ones in the Amazon and the Andes.

Tony Samara lived several years in a Zen Buddhist monastery and then he dared to the jungles of South America-to the Amazon and to the Andes - where he lived and learned among a community of Shamans.

After many years, in the sacred healing ways of these ancient peoples he was initiated and left South America to teach and also share this deep knowledge with the whole nation.

From all over the parts of the world, people prefer to visit Tony Samara to take spiritual guidance and experience of being in the presence of him.

Tony Samara’s traditions are Buddhism, Zen, Shamanism and for “The Evolution of Human Consciousness”.

His main Countries of activity are Portugal, UK and Slovenia. His function is as a Spiritual Teacher to lead the active lives in a right way. Tony Samara is a mirror of what is possible, a shining reminder of the continuous possible of being human.

Tony Samara Photo

Tony Samara Wallpaper

Tony Samara Picture

Tony Samara Image

Image of Tony Samara

Photo of Tony Samara

Tony Samara Photo



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