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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Ramana Maharshi

Ramana Maharshi

Ramana Maharshi
was born on 30, 1879 and died on April 14, 1950).
Ramana Maharshi was the awe exciting clever whose attendance grace the well-known blessed Arunachala hill was during much of the 20th century. He was recognized throughout India and toward several in the rest of the globe as the still clever whose quiet and influential look distorted lead several citizens to knowledge gaze distorted the life of the many who come in to his attendance. In silence he radiated quiet and happiness like an influential beacon, effecting a change in someone who came within his globe. He encourages people to gaze within and choose whether they were truly the body or the changeless timeless personality within. Ramana Maharshi powerful example and interior pressure led several people to knowledge this internal identity since the same identity all knowledge, above the brief mind, emotions, and body.

Rudi Swami Rudrananda Wallpapers

Rudi Swami Rudrananda Wallpapers

Rudi Swami Rudrananda Wallpaper

Rudi Swami Rudrananda Pictures

Rudi Swami Rudrananda Photo

Rudi Swami Rudrananda Images

Rudi Swami Rudrananda


Raaga January 30, 2009 at 11:25 PM  

Dear Krishna,

U have done a very fabulous work, its great.

while going through the blog I have Found Ramana Maharshi blog but the photos of rudi swami rudrananda why ? if u want the photo graphs of Ramana Marshi u can visit the site of ramana maharshi and collect the wallpapers.

You have done an excellent work in collecting them. If someone like me whats to see the Maharshis images, they can view them easily at a point.

Once again I cant stop appreciating you for ur great work.



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