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Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sri Sarada Devi

Sri Sarada Devi

Sri Sarada Devi was born on December 22, 1853, and died on 20 july 1920 (aged 66).

Sri Sarada Devi was born on modest and religious parents at the village of Jayarambati in Bengal on the 22nd December 1853, Sri Sarda Devi grow up almost like numerous further town girl of those days with small schooling other than plenty of work at home and in the fields. Thought unified with Sri Ramakrishna in marriage at the period of scarcely six, she lived with her parents mostly of the time in the early years. It was merely in the initial division of 1872 when she was concerning eighteen that she inwards at Dakshineswar and started live with her good husband. It was during these years that Sri Ramakrishna worshipped her as ‘Shodashi’, a feature of the Divine Mother. With no suggestion of selfishness in heart and however overflowing with the tenderness love and concern for each other, the pair has left to the world, the highest example of marital existence.

Wallpaper of Sri Sarada Devi

Sri Sarada Devi Wallpapers

Sri Sarada Devi Wallpaper

Sri Sarada Devi Pictures

Sri Sarada Devi Photo

Sri Sarada Devi Photo

Photo of Sri Sarada Devi

Sri Aurobindo

Sri Aurobindo Biography

Sri Aurobindo was born on August 15, 1872 (Age 82) in Kolkata, India. Sri Aurobindo birth name was Aurobindo Akroyd Ghosh, and died on December 5, 1950 (aged 78).

In that day he returned to his birthplace, Calcutta, since the initial chief of the original Bengal National College. He resigned that position because of his ever more dynamic connection in the Nationalist progress.

Sri Aurobindo was the first of the Nationalist best to insist on full self-government for India as the objective of the society, and for numerous years he lend every one his extensive ability and energies to this fight. This led to him creature arrested on accuse of treason and creature reserved in lonely confinement for nearly a year as an ‘under trail’ prisoner in Alipore jail.

Sri Aurobindo Childhood Picture

Sri Aurobindo Wallpaper

Grea Sant Sri Aurobindo Snaps large size picture

Sri Aurobindo large picture Pictures

Sri Aurobindo Photo

Sri Aurobindo Photo and Wallpaper

Sri Aurobindo Wallpaper

Photo of Sant Sri aurobindo

Friday, November 28, 2008

Sri Anandamoyi Maa

Sri Anandamoyi Ma

Sri Anandamoyi Maa was born on 30 April 1896, and died on 27th August 1982 (aged 86)

Anandamayi Maa was born Nirmala Sundari to Bipinbihari Bhattacharya and Mokshada Sundari Devi in Kheora, Brahmanbaria Bhattacharya District on 30 April 1896.

Her father, from Vidyakut in Tripura, was a Vaishnavite singer. Anandamayi Maa attachment was shown when through a storm which blow the covering off their home, he was said to have constant playing through the downpour. Anandamayi Ma experienced the attendance of divine authority in her since youth and went in to a dream on examination kirtans.

Wallpaper of Sri Anandamoyi Maa

Sri Anandamoyi Maa Wallpaper

Sri Anandamoyi Maa Snaps

Sri Anandamoyi Maa Scene

Sri Anandamoyi Maa Pictures

Sri Anandamoyi Maa Photo

Sri Anandamoyi Maa Photo

Sri Anandamoyi Maa Images

Sri Anandamoyi Maa

Sri Anandamoyi Maa

Picture of Sri Anandamoyi Maa

Photo of Sri Anandamoyi Maa

Shriram Sharma Acharya

Shriram Sharma Acharya was born on September 20, 1911- June 2, 1990).

Early Shriram Sharmaji was the originator of the global Gayatri family in ShantKunj, Haridwar, Uttaranchal, India.

He was a huge seer-saint of India and has written a group of writing for globe fine and brotherhood. Shriram Sharmaji duty was to generate “An attractive borderless world. He translates the whole Vedic Vangmaya and gifted a achievement of writing additional than 3000 books on all aspect of life.

Shriram Sharm Aacharya Wallpaper

Shriram Sharm Aacharya Pictures

Shriram Sharm Aacharya Photo

Shri Gurudev Mahendranath

Shri Gurudev Mahendranath (April 29, 1911-August 30, 1991).

Shri Gurudev Mahendranath was born Lawrence Amos Miles in London, England on April 29, 1911, and his welfare in the area of religious examination and the Pagan system of life begins at a strangely early age. Throughout his childhood, he had a quantity of single knowledge which begins the course of his personal growth and identification by a huge public.

Since a little man, Shri Mahendranath meets and exchange ideas with the higher scholar and spiritual, a leister Crowley. Personal knowledge and the suggestion of Mr. Crowley suggested that he strength that strength expands precious insight by the deeper learning of reflection and the I Ching Oracle with Indian and further Asian Master.

Shri Gurudev Mahendranath Wallpapers

Shri Gurudev Mahendranath Snaps

Shri Gurudev Mahendranath Pictures

Shri Gurudev Mahendranath Photo

Shri Gurudev Mahendranath Images

Shri Gurudev Mahendranath Wallpaper

Shri Gurudev Mahendranath

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Shree Maa

Shree Maa
Shree Maa is a Hindu spiritual who was born near Kamakhya, Assam, India from where she traveled to the US in 1984. Jointly with Swami Satyananda Saraswati, Shree Maa teaches the sense and system of devotion throughout the tantric society of request and reflection. She descends since the family of the well-known Bengali spiritual Ramprasad Sen. Shree Maa’s huge uncle be Atulananda Saraswati, a renunciate who never wedded, but tired his complete life traveling from place to place. Individual of her aunts was Renuka Sen, a well-known poet and friend and idea in the living of Rabindranath Tagore.

Shree Maa Wallpapers

Shree Maa Wallpaper Big Size Picture

Shree Maa Picture

Shree Maa Large Size Photo Gallery

Indian Guru Female Saint Shree Maa Iimages

Indian Guru and Sadhvi Shree Maa Wallpaper

Hindu Guru Shree Maa Photo and Wallpaper

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sai Baba of Shirdi

Sai Baba of Shirdi

Guru Sai Baba was born on 28th September 1835, October 15, 1918 (Shirdi, India).

Sai Baba strongly thought in regularity of belief and he never distinguished everyone on the base of social group, faith or spiritual. Yogi Sai Baba forever completed it a tip not to arrival empty handed individuals who had approach to him in their hour of require and grief. He performs miracles to improve the pain of reduced citizens. On one event he restores the eyes of a sightless old and in further event he lighted a lamp during water while there was no oil to burn it.

Shri Sai Baba Wallpapers

Shirdiwale Shri Sai Baba Photo

Shirdiwale Sai Baba Wallpapers

Shirdi Sai Baba Photo


Shirdi Saibaba Photo

Satya Saibaba Wallpapers

Large Size Saibaba Photo Wallpapers

Sai Baba Wallpapers Snaps

Sai Baba Wallpapers

Sai Baba Real Photo

Sai Baba Original Photo



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