Mahamandaleshwar Swami Nityananda
Born in Mumbai, India in 1962, Swami Nityananda was educated from childhood by the well-known Shaktipat Guru, Baba Muktananda. He was initiated into the mysterious path of the Siddha Gurus, education the various yogic practices with thought and Sanskrit chanting and studying the philosophies of Vedanta and Kashmir Shaivism.
In 1980, at eighteen years of age, in according with his Guru’s wishes, he was initiated into the Saraswati arrange of monks and established name Swami Nityananda, the name of Baba Muktananda’s Guru.
In 1981, Baba Muktananda confirmed Nityananand his successor and in 1982, at the finish of a five-day Chandi Yagna, transferred to him and Swami Chindvilasanand all his power and knowledge in the presence of Mahamanand Giriji Maharaj.
Swami Nityananda founded Shanti Mandir in 1987 as a vechile for lifelong his Guru’s work and subsequently the three ashrams. He travels between the ashrams each year, distribution the spiritual practices in which he was been skilled and passing on the knowledge.
In 1995, at the age of 32, at an established ceremony in Haridwar, India, the Acharyas and Saints of the Dashnami belief, recognized by Adi Shankaracharya in the 8th century AD, installed him as a Mahamandaleshwar of the Mahanirvani Akhara. He is the youngest person in history to have established this high exalted spiritual title.

Swami Mahamandaleshwar Swami Nityananda Photo