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Friday, February 13, 2009

Mahamandaleshwar Swami Nityananda

Mahamandaleshwar Swami Nityananda

Born in Mumbai, India in 1962, Swami Nityananda was educated from childhood by the well-known Shaktipat Guru, Baba Muktananda. He was initiated into the mysterious path of the Siddha Gurus, education the various yogic practices with thought and Sanskrit chanting and studying the philosophies of Vedanta and Kashmir Shaivism.

In 1980, at eighteen years of age, in according with his Guru’s wishes, he was initiated into the Saraswati arrange of monks and established name Swami Nityananda, the name of Baba Muktananda’s Guru.

In 1981, Baba Muktananda confirmed Nityananand his successor and in 1982, at the finish of a five-day Chandi Yagna, transferred to him and Swami Chindvilasanand all his power and knowledge in the presence of Mahamanand Giriji Maharaj.

Swami Nityananda founded Shanti Mandir in 1987 as a vechile for lifelong his Guru’s work and subsequently the three ashrams. He travels between the ashrams each year, distribution the spiritual practices in which he was been skilled and passing on the knowledge.

In 1995, at the age of 32, at an established ceremony in Haridwar, India, the Acharyas and Saints of the Dashnami belief, recognized by Adi Shankaracharya in the 8th century AD, installed him as a Mahamandaleshwar of the Mahanirvani Akhara. He is the youngest person in history to have established this high exalted spiritual title.

Swami Mahamandaleshwar Swami Nityananda Photo

Saint Mahamandaleshwar Swami Nityananda Wallpapers

Mahamandaleshwar Swami Nityananda Wallpaper

Mahamandaleshwar Swami Nityananda Snaps

Guru Mahamandaleshwar Swami Nityananda Pictures

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Maitreyi Amma

Maitreyi Amma

Maitreyi Amma was born in Normaandy (France) in December 1952. Her birth was individual. Behind some days, her parents noticed that she was blind. She improved sight miraculously at the age of six and half.

She was a child full of delight, always feeling the attendance of the Divine; as such she entered the quest of life on earth. Since an early age she required to divide her awareness that he is within us and all about.

Maitreyi Amma felt certain she would meet a great sage in India and that she was intended for a chief assignment, except as a teenager and adult she had important responsibilities which prevented her departure France. Neverthless she was holy with Divine manifestations in all aspects of her life.

In Delhi, She had a very huge knowledge: the Divine appeared to her in the form of light; He guided her and asked her to provide Him in Benares. She made her Seva in one year, gentle for the children of the street and giving them relief. She became a Mother in Benares.

Then she continued her journey, making a great number of pilgrimages during India, period of leave in a cave near Rishikesh, and with unusual experiences marking her returns to France. Through this time she meets many masters.

Her thirst for certainty remained unsatisfied, so she implored the divine, original at Benares on the bank of the Ganga, and then at kolashatri, to allow her meet the one with whom she would fulfill her true duty. Then one day in February 2000, in Kollur (Karnataka), she felt eager and “by chance” entered a house. Sri Tathata gave her some water. She directly accepted him as the one.

Since that moment on, he guided her telepathicly every day for years. In February 2001, she established telepathic messages advice her to go to Sri Tathata’s ashram. When she arrived there, her heart was packed with huge joy and she knew that her novel life had begun.

Little weeks later, Sri Tathata initiated her into his particular pranayama. Once expenses 7 and half months at his side, he asked her to arrival to France to begin the mission.

In February 2002, a hundred French people, accompanied by Maitreyi Amma, came to participate in the Mahayaga (10 days of rituals to the revered Fire) led by Sri Tathata. While then groups of French people have come many times a year to see Sri Tathata, accept his teaching and initiations.

Saint Maitreyi Amma Photo

Maitreyi Amma Wallpapers

Maitreyi Amma Wallpaper

Maitreyi Amma Snaps

Maitreyi Amma Photos

Maitreyi Amma Images

Guru Maitreyi Amma Pictures

Richard Rose

Richard Rose

Richard Rose (1917-2005) is one of the mainly deep and curious religious teachers his country has still twisted. A resident son from the hills of West Virginia, Mr. Rose underwent a cataclysmic religious knowledge at the age of thirty that absent him with an intimate accepting of the secrets of life and death. He was often referred to as a Zen Master by the people who knew him because of the strength of his wisdom and his facility to make shortest intellect contact with his students. But he did not explain traditional Zen or any other established teaching. What he taught sprang from his personal awareness of Truth.

During he was the author of some books on mysterious attitude and had lectured generally in Universities across the country, Richard Rose remain mainly mysterious. He has been described, in information, as “The most man no one’s always heard of.” He appeared in newspaper articles and on talk explains through in structure and was featured in religious journals from time, but he was in some conduct a throw-back to the stern Zen masters of a thousand years ago, and his hard-edged, inflexible move toward life and spiritual work is not a path for the relaxed.

Since a very early age, Richard Rose was a man on a mission: to find an answer to the huge mystery of life. One of these original memories was symbols over and over in a child’s supply, “Many are called, but few are chosen.” At the period of twelve, he entered a Capuchin university in Pennsylvania to learn for the priesthood.

He required, simply, finding God. Behind five years he left, still, disappointed with religious life and the steady admonitions to be satisfied to consider church doctrines, not to seek an individual knowledge of god.

Swami Richard Rose Wallpaper

Saint Richard Rose Photo

Richard Rose Snaps

Guru Richard Rose Pictures

Monday, February 9, 2009

Swami Bodhananda Saraswati

Swami Bodhananda Saraswati  

His Holiness Swami Bodhananda Saraswati is extremely appreciated in America and India as a talented teacher of Vedanta and thought. He was born in Mattatur, Kerala, 36 miles from kalady, the birthplace of Adi Sankaracharya.

His birthplace, religious feeling and experiences as a youth, seemed to destine him for the life of a sannyasin. At an early age he felt a religious vocation, readily took to religious tapas, and, with a deep sense of kindness, vowed to help kindness. With this frame of intelligence, he finished his undergraduate degree in finances at Christ College, Irinjalkuda, Kerala.

The young hopeful locate, out in search of heavenly thoughtful, wandering throughout the Himalayas for a number of years. Lastly, he established in Kerala where, as a brahmachari, he connected the Saraswati order-one of ten sannyasa instructions recognized by Adi Shankaracharya, the famous 8th century Indian Philosopher and advocate of Advaita Vedanta.

In 1978, behind numerous years of serious study, he embarked on his duty of teaching. His brightness as both a student and teacher of Vedanta was apparent, and, in 1984, he was initiated into sannyas ashram-the crown of renunciation.


His leadership capabilities were soon accepted, and in 1988 he honor of setting up a teacher guidance talent, Sandeepani, in kerala. A lot of his students from that era have become well-respected and talented swamis.

Currently, Swami Bodhananda is the religious creator and Director of 11 organizations and ashrams below the umbrella of the Sambodh Foundation, New Delhi, India (1991); the Bodhananda explore Foundation for organization and Leadership Studies, Trivandrum, Kerala, India (1994); and, the Sambodh Society, Inc. (1997), his American society. Every ashram and /or association is unique, modified to the desires, attention and special capabilities of his devotees engaged therein. During this society, and under Swamiji’s guidance, his devotee accepts scriptural facts, religious guidance and execute social examine.

Swami Swami Bodhananda Saraswati Photo

Swami Bodhananda Saraswati

Saint Swami Bodhananda Saraswati Photo

Guru Swami Bodhananda Saraswati Wallpaper

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Swami Nardanand

Swami Nardanand

Swami Nardanand was born in 1958 in a small agricultural village of Uttar Pradesh state in North India. Since a particularly talented boy of 10, and with the consent of this family, this eldest son enthused to the banks of the Ganesh at the holy city of Haridwar to focus gurukul, which is the olden way of teaching in Sanskrit and religious matter.

The path of study was 12 years, 24 hours per day. The name of the school is Gurukul Kangri, which is one of the luxury such schools in India. While Swami Nardanand was modify, he not only was the chief student of his class, but offered in person by the president of India.

At the period of 14, Swami Nardanand was initiated as a priest by his teacher, Paramahansa Lakshmananda, who currently lives in the city of Vrindivana.

Presently, Swami Nardanand meets and was begin into the further esoteric spiritual teaching by his teacher, Swami Shivom Tirth, a generally expert who is at present in his 80’s and maintains peace in complete quiet, no longer since anyone publicly.

In 1990, Swami Nardanand founded Siddha Ashram along the banks of the Shipra River in Ujiain, Madhya Pradesh, India, single of the four chief Kumbha Mela sites.

Throughout the 2004 Kumbha Mela at Ujiain, Swami Nardanand was selected as Mahamandaleshwara of Akhand Akhara.

Swami Nardanand teaches Yoga, Vedanta, and Tantra in India, Europe, North America, and South America

Swami Swami Nardanand Pictures

Saint Swami Nardanand Photo

Guru Swami Nardanand Wallpaper

Swami Parthasarathy

Swami Parthasarathy

The greatest academic Swami Parthasarthy, generally known as ‘Swamiji’, is generally acclaimed as the maximum living supporter of Vedanta, the early Philosophy of being and living.

He has numerous degrees in writing, science and law, and completed a post graduation in international law from London University. He renounced a lucrative corporate career early in life to offer himself to study and research of Vedanta.


In a life of selfless service over five decades, Swamiji’s outstanding giving has been the translation of subtle philosophical themes into sensible techniques of living. His behavior and existence effort has been profiled in books approved for students in India:

101 Large Indians who have made India proud in the last century.

101 Great Indian Saints

101 Great Indian Authors and Poets


His education increase the clarity in thinking desired to decrease pressure in daily alive

Maintain harmony in relationships

Handle the challenges of life

Press Coverage


Swami Parthasarathy has been aspect in print and electronic media worldwide including Businessweek, CNBC, Sunday Times London, the New York Post, and the Times of India, among others. 

Swami Swami Parthasarathy Pictures

Swami Parthasarathy Snaps

Swami Parthasarathy

Saint Swami Parthasarathy Photos

Guru Swami Parthasarathy Wallpaer

Swami Ranganathananda

Swami Ranganathananda

In 1926 he joined the Mysore branch of Ramakrishna Math. He obtains his final Vows of monasticism from Swami Shivananda in 1933. He exhausted the first 12 years of monasticism in Mysore and Bangalore branches.

He served there as the cook, personal attendant to Swami Siddheswaranandaji. He is said to have rendered outstanding service as the secretary and librarian at the Rangoon branch of Ramakrishna task from 1939 to 1942. He then served as the president of the Karachi centre of math from 1942 to 1948 until the division of India.

Since 1949 to 1962, he served as a secretary at the Delhi centre. Then from 1962 to 1967, he served as the Secretary of the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Kolkata, and director of school of Humanistic & Cultural studies, editor of mission’s kolkata, director of school of Humanistic & educational study, editor of mission’s journal. Then he served as the president of the Hyderabad division for a long period. He was selected to the position of vice-president of Ramakrishna Math and assignment in 1989 and then as the president in 1998.

A man through a large insight into the trouble of India and the world, Raganathananda was a huge creator of scholar. He undertook wide talk tours from 1946 to 1972 covering above 50 countries in North and South America, Asia, Africa and Europe, Including Russia, Poland and Czechoslovakia. From 1973 to 1986 he annually visited Australia, USA and Europe, distribution the letter of Vedanta. Therefore he served as an educational and spiritual ambassador of India,

He declined the Padma Vibhushan as it was conferred on him in his individual ability but established the Indira Gandhi Award for national addition in 1987 and the Gandhi quiet Prize in February 1999 as both were conferred on the Ramakrishna charge.

Swami Swami Ranganathananda Pictures

Swami Ranganathananda Snaps

Swami Ranganathananda

Saint Swami Ranganathananda Photo

Guru Swami Ranganathananda Wallpaper

Swami Samarth Maharaj

Swami Samarth Maharaj

Shri Swami Smaratha comes from the age-old guru institution of the Dattatreya sampradaya. Since per the mainly accepted belief, Shri Narasimha Swami, Once serving and morally inspiring a great number of people more a little decades, went absent to the Himalayas for apology and went into Samadhi. During the Samadhi state He remained for about three hundred years. Through the course of time a huge anthill grew above him and he was lost to the exterior world. One day accidentally a woodcutter’s axe fell on the blade of the axe. He cleared the anthill and lo, he establishes a yogi in thought. The Yogi gradually opened his eyes and consoled the astonished woodcutter proverb that it was the Divine will for Him to re-appear in the globe to continue his assignment.

This Yogi, in his novel position came to be known as Swami Samarth. Former to his resolution at Akkalkot, Swami Samarth seems to have visited far and large. Even as touching in the Himalayan region he visited places like Puri, Benaras, Hardwar, Girnar, Kathiawad and Rameswaram in the South.

He moreover stayed at Mangalvedha, a town near Pandharpur in Solapur district Maharashtra, which had been occupied previous by well-known saints like Domojipant and Chokhamela. He came to Akkalkot in 1856 where he constant his material survival for 22 years.

Now he enlightened many disciples, such as Shree Dev Mamledar, Shree Balappa Maharaj, Shree Cholappa Maharaj, Shree Nrusimha Saraswati Maharaj of Alandi, Shree Ramanand Beedkar Maharaj of Pune etc.

“Fear not, I am forever with you!!” He says,” Surrender your ego and present your total love and I resolve fill you with enduring bliss”.

Shree Swami Samarth one day rapidly announced that the time had come for him to go out of his material survival. By Hindu calendar it was Chaitra Vadya Trayodashi of Hindu year 1800, i.e April 30, 1878 AD, Tuesday at 4 Pm.

At this time he seated himself in Padmasana and uttered his previous words “no one should weep I shall forever be near at all places and I shall react to each call of the devotees.” The huge wise adopted MahaSamadhi under his favorite Banyan tree. The heavenly game which is called as leela of Shree Swami Samarth did not end with his Maha Samadhi. His devotees continue to knowledge the miracles of his visible and invisible help still today.

Swami Swami Samarth Maharaj Pictures

Swami Samarth Maharaj Wallpapers

Swami Samarth Maharaj

saint Swami Samarth Maharaj Photo

Guru Swami Samarth Maharaj Wallpaper

Swami Satchidananda

Swami Satchidananda

Swami Satchidananda (22 December 1914-19 August 2002) was an Indian spiritual figure, religious teacher and yoga expert, who gained fame and followers in the West, particularly in the United States. He was the author of many book, as well as on Hathna Yoga.

Satchidananda’s name at birth was C.K. Ramaswamy Gounder. He was born in Chettipalayam in the Tamil Nadu district of southern India in 1914 to lucky and observant Hindu parents who called him Ramu. Like added children from spiritual families, little Ramu respected to play guru and believer with his friends.


He did not become occupied in religious directly upon success adulthood, though. Behind graduating from agricultural college, he took a location with his uncle’s firm, which imported motorcycles. At 23, then a chain- smoking executive at India’s National Electric Works, he wedded, but his wife died suddenly behind five years of marriage, having specified birth to two sons.

After his wife’s death, Ramaswamy left his children with his mother and travelled throughout India to consider at holy temple and to learning with religious teachers.

For years, Ramaswamy searched out people respected as sages, saints and religious masters. Finally, he exposed his guru, Sri Swami Sivananda, who certain him into classify of Sannyas.

Throughout the late 1950s and mainly of the ‘60s, Swami Satchidananda headed the Kandy Thapovanam, one of Swami Sivananda’s ashram located in the mount country of Sri Lanka.

Now, Swami Satchidananda trained yoga, pursued interfaith behavior and efficient the earliest form of living that renunciates had followed for many years. For example, Swami Satchidanda drove a car, wore observe and actively occupied the question of seekers. This innovation was at first unaccepted to many creatures in the convention but he felt them to be necessary for further effectual distribution of the message of essential Yoga.

Behind serving his guru for many years, in 1966 he visited New York City at the request of a U.S. believer, the singer Peter Max. Soon after his original visit, Swamiji, as he was known to disciples, properly enthused to the United States and finally became a citizen. Since his new home he increases his knowledge of Yoga and explanation.

Satchindananda initial came to public awareness as the opening speaker at the Woodstock music and arts festival in 1969. Over the years he wrote several books and gave hundreds of lectures. He was the creator of the essential Yoga institution and in 1986 opened the light of certainty Universal Shrine at Yogaville in Buckingham, Virginia.

Swami Swami Satchidananda Pictures

Swami Satchidananda Wallpapers

Swami Satchidananda Pictures

Swami Satchidananda

Saint Swami Satchidananda Photo

Guru Swami Satchidananda Wallpaper

Guru Swami Satchidananda Photos

Swami Sri Atmananda

Swami Sri Atmananda

Swami Sri Atmananda was born in a rural village in Orissa, India, In 1951, sri Atmananda was exposed to the established teaching from childhood. After finishing his education in the matter field at the most supposed institutions in India, he entered in to stuff and social life, which lasted for hardly 10 years. Throughout this time, his aspiration intensifield, he trained and experimented with the ideology of Gita, and sadhana deepened.

The prompting to pursue his own path independent of any material came to him even as helping the most famous yogi, His Holiness Maharshi Mahesh Yogi. That prompting led him to travel all more India and meet many masters. The journey culminated at Pondicherry where he surrendered to the Mother.

The Mother guided him to a yield in the holy mountain Arunanchala, Where, in 1993, he attained the result of his sadhana. Behind remaining in the state of pure nirvikalpa for numerous days, he regained his knowledge and came to the world transport the consciousness that enables the yogi to consciously carry the guru-shakti.

Sri Atmananda’s first religious work as a master started in 1993 and after 2000 he began to develop the mission and gave the call for appearance. His primary residence is at Satyachetana’s main ashram at the foot of Arunachala in Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, and India. His work encompasses the yoga of Bhagavad Gita, and Veda. At current, he travels all above the globe to show to mankind this path of yoga and restore the pure wisdom that has been lost in the ages.

Swami Swami Sri Atmananda Photos

Swami Sri Atmananda Wallpapers

Swami Vishnudevanand

Swami Vishnudevananda

Swami Vishnudevananda (December 31, 1927, Kerala, South India- November 9, 1993, Uttarakhand, which is situated in India) was a believer of Swami Sivananda Sivananda, and originator of the international Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres and Ashrams. Measured by followers and talent on Hatha and raja yoga, he is the novelist of the whole Illustrated Book of Yoga.

A close disciple of Swami Sivananda, Swami Vishnudevananda, a Nair, was born in Kerala, South India on December 31, 1927. Behind a short career in the soldiers, he accidentally establishes attention in the knowledge of Swami Sivananda thought a copy of Sadhana Tattwa (Spiritual Instructions). Its foreword read, “A practice is worth tons of theory. Perform yoga, religious and attitude in each day life and achieve self-realization”. Impressed, he traveled to Rishikesh to meet the writer and the conference, taking place on the stairway of the ashram chief to the Ganga (Ganges River), would change his life. Swami Sivananda was walking up the stairs and according to the custom, people were prostrating. The young army official did not desire to drive his skull to anyone and hid in a doorway out of sight. An instant later, Swami Sivananda appeared suddenly, and prostrate to the superior young man. This lesson in humility was the first given to Swami Vishnudevananda by his guru.

Swami Vishnudevananda entered the Sivananda Ashram in Rishikesh in 1947 at the age of twenty. He took sannyas (become a monk) and was selected the first professor of hatha yoga at the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Forest Academy, and lastly trained scores of Indian and western students. At the equal time he constant his own practice, mastering superior hatha yoga techniques. When asked how he perfects these early practices, some of which had become obscure in current times, Swami Vishnudevananda answered, and “My master touched me and opened my eye of feeling perception. Knowledge returned to me from precedent lives”. For ten years. He lived and worked under the shortest direction of his master.

According to stories, in 1957, Swami Sivananda located 10 rupees in Swami Vishnudevananda’s palm, and urged him to take all he had educated and bring to the people of western culture, with the words “Public are waiting”.

Swami Vishnudevananda travelled during North America, teaching Yoga and observing the western life method. His mobility then and shortly in life would receive him the nickname “The Flying Guru”. He would finally choose to generate numerous, choosing to start this course in Canada, with the initial Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre in Montreal. The original yoga camp, in 1961, was at the summer home of some students, who opted to yield resources comforts, to sleep on the floor and take cold showers. 

Swami Vishnudevananda Snaps

Swami Vishnudevananda

Swami Swami Vishnudevananda Pictures

Saint Swami Vishnudevananda Photo

Guru Swami Vishnudevananda Wallpaper



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