Dr. Jayant Balaji Athavale
Dr. Jayant Balaji Athavale
The creator of the Spiritual Science explores Foundation his Holiness Dr. Jayant Balaji Athavale, who by profession was a mentor Clinical Hypnotherapist from Mumbai, India. He had undertaken wide research on medical hypnosis both in India and overseas when he was in Britain for seven years from 1978.
Through His medical practice, He observed that he had a brilliant cure rate of 70%. However, 30% of His patients did not recover totally. Behind a though, had educated that some of these patients with whom he had very little success, had improved once adopting religiously remedies such as visiting sacred places, remaining in the holy company of spiritually evolved people or performing certain religious rituals.
Still though, His Holiness Dr. Athavale was an atheist at that time, this phenomenon intrigues Him and driven Him to take steps to appreciate the reason behind these cures.
He visited Saints from different spiritual paths all over India. He asked them question about the theory as well as the practice of the science of Spirituality and exactly greater to physical and psychological science.
Medical science is incomplete in trade with the physical aspect and to some small level the psychological feature of the tolerant, but it plants out the whole spiritual dimension. The Saints told Him that morally is not a science which can be learnt just to do anything small spiritual length.
The Saints told him that religion is not a science which can be learnt just from reading books, but from practising it. His Holines Dr. Athavale was prepared to do anything to learn this science that woud cure his religious practice under the regulation of Saints told him to do, that is, He started religious practice under the direction of Saints. Since a result of this, He was graced with the achievement of his Guru His Holiness Bhaktaraj Maharaj.
The creator of the Spiritual Science Research Foundation is his Holiness Dr. Jayant Balaji Athavale, who by occupation was a Consultant Clinical Hypnotherapist from Mumbai, India. He had undertaken wide research on clinical hypnosis both in India and overseas when he was in Britain for seven years from 1971 to 1978. Through His medical practice, he practical that he had an excellent cure rate of 70%. However, 30% of his patients did not recover totally.
Still though, His Holiness Dr. Athavale was an athesist at that time, this phenomenon intrigued Him and prompted Him to receive steps to appreciate the reasons last these cures.
He visited Saints from special spiritual paths all over India. He asked them questions about the theory as well as the practice of the science of religion and carefully recorded the answers. Slowly, He began to realise that the sciences are limited in trade with the material feature and point the psychological feature of the patient, but it leaves out the entire spiritual length. The Saints told Him that religion is not a science which can be learnt just from sense books, but from active it. So He did exactly what the Saints told him to do, that is, He started religious practice under the direction of Saints. As a effect of this, he was graced with the achievement of His Guru His Holiness Bhaktaraj Maharaj.
The creator of the Spiritual Science explores Foundation his Holiness Dr. Jayant Balaji Athavale, who by profession was a mentor Clinical Hypnotherapist from Mumbai, India. He had undertaken wide research on medical hypnosis both in India and overseas when he was in Britain for seven years from 1978.
Through His medical practice, He observed that he had a brilliant cure rate of 70%. However, 30% of His patients did not recover totally. Behind a though, had educated that some of these patients with whom he had very little success, had improved once adopting religiously remedies such as visiting sacred places, remaining in the holy company of spiritually evolved people or performing certain religious rituals.
Still though, His Holiness Dr. Athavale was an atheist at that time, this phenomenon intrigues Him and driven Him to take steps to appreciate the reason behind these cures.
He visited Saints from different spiritual paths all over India. He asked them question about the theory as well as the practice of the science of Spirituality and exactly greater to physical and psychological science.
Medical science is incomplete in trade with the physical aspect and to some small level the psychological feature of the tolerant, but it plants out the whole spiritual dimension. The Saints told Him that morally is not a science which can be learnt just to do anything small spiritual length.
The Saints told him that religion is not a science which can be learnt just from reading books, but from practising it. His Holines Dr. Athavale was prepared to do anything to learn this science that woud cure his religious practice under the regulation of Saints told him to do, that is, He started religious practice under the direction of Saints. Since a result of this, He was graced with the achievement of his Guru His Holiness Bhaktaraj Maharaj.
The creator of the Spiritual Science Research Foundation is his Holiness Dr. Jayant Balaji Athavale, who by occupation was a Consultant Clinical Hypnotherapist from Mumbai, India. He had undertaken wide research on clinical hypnosis both in India and overseas when he was in Britain for seven years from 1971 to 1978. Through His medical practice, he practical that he had an excellent cure rate of 70%. However, 30% of his patients did not recover totally.
Still though, His Holiness Dr. Athavale was an athesist at that time, this phenomenon intrigued Him and prompted Him to receive steps to appreciate the reasons last these cures.
He visited Saints from special spiritual paths all over India. He asked them questions about the theory as well as the practice of the science of religion and carefully recorded the answers. Slowly, He began to realise that the sciences are limited in trade with the material feature and point the psychological feature of the patient, but it leaves out the entire spiritual length. The Saints told Him that religion is not a science which can be learnt just from sense books, but from active it. So He did exactly what the Saints told him to do, that is, He started religious practice under the direction of Saints. As a effect of this, he was graced with the achievement of His Guru His Holiness Bhaktaraj Maharaj.

Saint Dr. Jayant Balaji Athavale Photo
P.P. Doctorji is the only Saint in kaliyug who is imparting knowledge of how to get to get out of this maya and attain complete bliss even while performing all worldly duties and responsibilities.
P.P.Gurudev is one of the rare saint's who teaches and guides on how to practically apply spiritual concepts like surrender, ego removal, non doer-ship etc that are mentioned in the Bhagvit Gita and other holy books.
Due to his grace more than 7 seekers have attained Sainthood. Several other seekers have crossed the 50% spiritual level.
gratitude anjana
can not express in words how much life has changed in the past year only due to PP Dr. Despite the misconceptions and judgements others may have about Him, it is only when you put into practice the spiritual concepts that He has so lovingly guided us to follow that one can experience the Truth.
Via Him the teaching principle [guru tattva of universe] is active. it can be understood by His guidance which are PRINCIPLE BASED and never based any person or institution! So, the real aspects of adhyathma and sadhana can be understood and a real grip can be achieved for BLISSFUL life.
Arpita, YOU are alleging without proof. YOU said young minds are hypnotised, what about old ones? Do YOU think they too are naive, eh? YOU said money not accounted for, but the Govt of India thinks otherwise. For your kind information, the CBI didn't find anything suspicious about HH Dr Athavale's organisation. The ignorants like YOU are the big burdons on this world.
arpita, tuzya sarkhya anyani lokanmulech aaj bharatachi aani hindu dharmachi hi shteeti zali aahe. Tuzyakade kontyahi prakarcha purava nasatana tu ya mahan vibhuti baddal bolun PAAP kel aahe.
jya pramane aamba god aahe ka nahi he khalyashivay kalat nahi; tas PPDR.JAYANT AATHAVALE kay aahet he SADHANA kelyashivay kalanar nahi.....
hey arpita without any proof you should not put such bad comments on H.H.Dr.jayanth balaji Athavale ,
since you are a bad human being obviously its natural to think bad and do bad thinks ,so try to became good human being by knowing the truth ,whats in the spirituality ,once you understand it properly if you experience it you will also practice it .never dare to put such comments like that ,if you really have dareness put comments on politicians who are misusing power and using money for there selfuse.hope you will become better human being .
hey arpita, as per my info, dr. athavale is one of the most rare gurus who tell his followers not to follow himself but the"ISHWAR KRISHNA" so before commenting, please check whole info.
as per your doubt that he hypnotises people to follow him, the fact is that 60% of his followers(SADHAK) hadn't seen him even once !!!
He was and is a personal friend of mine, as I knew him intimately from the late 80's when he had returned from the UK and was practicing Hypnotherapy and Sadhana.
I have had some amazing experiences in his presence. One of the priest friends I took over to see him has now passed away but I do love him for his sincerity and dedication to the path.
We share the same Guru in Baktharaj Maharaj from Indore MP.India.
My love to you Dr. Jayant Balaji Athavale, you are on of India's hidden gems!
May you be blest,
Russell Monsurate
Vancouver BC Canada
Even in the present times when people tend to test to everything applying scientific knowledge and conclude that there is no God and no saints, Dr. Athawale has provided enormous amount of literature to show the presence of God element in various forms, in scientific language. Basically it is your parents who mould you as a social human being similarly on your way to saint hood and later attaining God one has to start sadhana of his family deity kuldevata to invisibly by developing his subtle senses alleviate him to higher spiritual levels through a Guru. Once you meet a Guru you are half way through. Rest of your journey is completed by treading the solemn path with Guru. P/P Dr. Athawale told this basic theory to all and many seekers are alleviated to saint hood under his guidance. I met him in year 2000 to know that, what made a modern medicine doctor adopt adhyatma - spirituality. He met us in very small visitors place and I found him very unassuming. His first words were more pleasing than any one I met on this earth. He embodiment of Nirpeksh prem - Preeti - selfless love, knowledge and vairagya. One need not meet him in person but read to his vast literature his blessing will unto the reader. I pay my gratitude to H.H. Dr. Athawale P.P. Gurdev.- Yogendra
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