Gurudev Jangalidas Maharaj
Gurudev Jangalidas Maharaj

Vishwatmak Gurudev generally known as Jangli Maharaj, a name given by the common man throughout his time, was incarnated as the Universal power by Brahma, Vishnu & Mahesh. This Universal power Vishwatmak Gurudev Started his work for the downtrodden and meditated deeply in the forest i.e. Jungle & that is why he was called as Jangli Maharaj by the comman man passing and considering him. Vishwatmak Gurudev visited Karadga, Nerla, Rethered Harnaksha and made these seats as sacred and religious places. Finally he came to Bhamburde.
In his last phase of rigorous meditation he gave Guru Mantra to one of his supporter known as Tekawadekar Maharaj and told him that, “I will maintain to work in my next personification. This symbol was Swastik Darshan and in 1890 A.D Vishwatmak Gurudev i.e. Jangli Maharaj left for next destiny.
In Mumbai there was a boy who very loved of religion and forever uses to consider. His parents were happy to recognize this truth but were also troubled that he may depart them, so for security they use to put him in a protected room. This was at his age of nine. One fine early dawn this boy was taken out through a small opening of the door by the general control i.e. Vishwatmak Gurudev alias Jangli Maharaj and was given “Vishwatmak Darshan” i.e. actual revelation of huge. That nine year old boy is known to people as “Janglidas Maharaj” i.e. this name was force upon by the collection but the actual name given by his Sadguru. Vishwatmak Gurudev is OM GURUDEV.
During his first incarnation Vishwatmak Gurudev was asked by Universal Power that what will be your next personification called or named? Behind this question Vishwatmak Gurudev opened his closed first and many flowers flew from his hands to ground symbols a name “OM GURUDEV”. Hence Sadguru Janglidas Mauli is now called as OM GURUDEV. This name might not approach in to survival for some time because of his innocent devotees, but freshly one of his very close believers had very moving dreams instructing him to call his Sadguru as Om Gurudev.
Already many years back Om Gurudev was in apply as the word of greeting between devotees and so all were happy to identify that they were already calling their Sadguru by his unique name “Om Gurudev at the age of sixteen Om Gurudev came to Bhamburde at Pune and took Swastik Darshan which was the sign given by Vishwatmak Gurudev in his first life to Tekwadekar Maharaj recognized the sign was intensely happy to see and meet his Sadguru. Once attractive Swastik Darshan Om Gurudev was certain Guru Mantra and was asked to go to Yeola in Nasik district. A huge saint Swami Muktananda Maharaj had trained tapsya in the meditated for eleven months in a closed room without food & water. Behind that he traveled barefooted on a pilgrimage of whole India & also made Narmada Pradakshina & took the job of human benefit according to his Guru’s will and wish.
The first duty he was reform of the old temple at Divshi, Tal. Patan, Dist. Satara. Shortly on he reconstructed the temples at Karadga Tal Chikodi District Belgaum and at Nerla Tal. Walwa Dist. Sangali. He started satsang during which he gave the religious message that God lives in our spirit and is attained through meditation. Gurudev Jangli Maharaj completes his heavenly work and took ‘Samadhi’ at Bhamburda – (Shivajinagar, Pune ) in 1890. Toward persists his work Gurudev Janglidas Maharaj Incarnated and visited the places wherever Jangli Maharaj had located up Ashram. At final he came in the Ashram of Nerla in Sangli district, Sangali. He started satsang through which he gave the religious message that God life in our Heart and it attain through meditation.
Gurudev Jangli Maharaj completed his divine work and took ‘Samadhi ‘at Bhamburda – (Shivajinagar, Pune) in 1890. To persist his work Gurudev Janglidas Maharaj Incarnated and visited the rest wherever Jangli Maharaj had locate up Ashram. At final he came in the Ashram of Nerla in Sangli region.
“HRUDAYA MANDIRI MAJH PAHATI TAYASI HOYA MAJHI PRAPTI” is the Prabhu sandhesh (Gurudev’s message) which was specified by Gurudev Jangalidas Maharaj’s gurudev, VISHWATMAK GURUDEV JANGALI MAHARAJ of pune.
Below Gurudev Jangali Maharaj’s direction Guruji (Vishwatmak Gurudev Jangalidas Maharaj) additional says that the simply way to bring up the spiritual lift can be achieved just by means of attaining thought i.e., dhyaan itself.
The theme of preaching is that believer, sadhaks should actually perceive “The state of self“. This original state of self does exist, within a man, right from the birth. It is a part and parcel of highest self, with all manifestations. The man thinks it to be true, which is really not true. Unreal is supposed as truth. In this cycle, of illusions and attraction, the man gets accepted away, far away from reality and finds it very difficult to give up those temporary aberrations and re correct his movement orbit, in right route his destination.
this is wrong imformation....come to visit at jangali maharaj temple shivajinagar pune...
ye jo pics hai unka naam jangali maharaj hai not jangali das.....vo alag hai ye alag hai,,,,sahi jankari ke liye jangalimaharaj bhajani mandal pune.....sehi uplabdha hogi....
Janglidas maharaj yanche janm taarik kay aahe
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