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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Ranjit Maharaj

Ranjit Maharaj

Ranjit Maharaj was born in Bombay on January 4th, 1913. Intensely religious as a child, he used to eagerly worship Lord Krishna. “But when I was my guru I forgot Lord Krishna,” he would declare shortly.

At the period of 12, he met his master Siddharameshwar Maharaj, a huge guru from the Navnath Sampradaya ritual who was also the master of Nisargadatta Maharaj. Ranjit Maharaj stayed with his Guru from this time until Siddharameshwar’s death in 1936.

While Siddharameshwar’s guru trained the extended and difficult path of dhyana or thought, Siddharameshwar honestly communicated information, gyana, of the final actuality to his disciples, including Ranjit Maharaj. This way, he said students could achieve englightenment very fast, like a bird as opposed to the Pipilika Marg or the way of the ant trained by his Master. It was this path that Ranjit Maharaj also taught his disciples.

Ranjit Maharaj did not begin to educate until 1983 at the age of 70 when rising numbers of seekers kept showing up at this door, following the death of Nisargadatta Maharaj two years earlier.

Satsang took place every day at his small flat in a busy commercial area in Mumbay. His teaching was in the stability of his master’s which emphasizes simplicity and honesty in speech.

Ranjit Maharaj made his first explore to the west only in 1996. He visited and gave meeting in USA and also in Europe.

Inside early 2000, Ranjit Maharaj suffers a stroke, which left him paralyzed on one side. In a moving face attachment, still in this state of health, he traveled almost 1,000 km by ambulance for the annual pilgrimage to Siddharameshwar’s Samadhi in Bagewadi in Karnataka.

Maharaj simply said, ‘That man is a jnani. He is a disciple of my Guru, but he is not teachings.’

Saint Ranjit Maharaj Photo

Saint Ranjit Maharaj Photo

Ranjit Maharaj Snaps

Guru Ranjit Maharaj Pictures

Ranjit Maharaj

Ranjit Maharaj was born in Bombay on January 4th, 1913. Intensely religious as a child, he used to eagerly worship Lord Krishna. “But when I was my guru I forgot Lord Krishna,” he would declare shortly.

At the period of 12, he met his master Siddharameshwar Maharaj, a huge guru from the Navnath Sampradaya ritual who was also the master of Nisargadatta Maharaj. Ranjit Maharaj stayed with his Guru from this time until Siddharameshwar’s death in 1936.

While Siddharameshwar’s guru trained the extended and difficult path of dhyana or thought, Siddharameshwar honestly communicated information, gyana, of the final actuality to his disciples, including Ranjit Maharaj. This way, he said students could achieve englightenment very fast, like a bird as opposed to the Pipilika Marg or the way of the ant trained by his Master. It was this path that Ranjit Maharaj also taught his disciples.

Ranjit Maharaj did not begin to educate until 1983 at the age of 70 when rising numbers of seekers kept showing up at this door, following the death of Nisargadatta Maharaj two years earlier.

Satsang took place every day at his small flat in a busy commercial area in Mumbay. His teaching was in the stability of his master’s which emphasizes simplicity and honesty in speech.

Ranjit Maharaj made his first explore to the west only in 1996. He visited and gave meeting in USA and also in Europe.

Inside early 2000, Ranjit Maharaj suffers a stroke, which left him paralyzed on one side. In a moving face attachment, still in this state of health, he traveled almost 1,000 km by ambulance for the annual pilgrimage to Siddharameshwar’s Samadhi in Bagewadi in Karnataka.

Maharaj simply said, ‘That man is a jnani. He is a disciple of my Guru, but he is not teachings.’

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Shlomo Kalo

Shlomo Kalo  

Shlomo Kalo is an Israeli religious teacher; creator and spiritual sage who published further than 60 books, several of his works are published in 17 countries.

Shlomo Kalo was born in 1928, in Sofia, Bulgaria, Aged 12, Kalo joined an anti-Fascist underground in Bulgaria. Aged 15, under Nazi job, he was imprisoned in a awareness camp in Somovit. Aged 18, he won a prize in a poetry struggle and went to Prague, where he calculated medicine and worked as a self-employed reporter. Before immigrating to Israel, aged 21, he was sent to Olomouc to train as a pilot. In 1958 he was awarded M.Sc. in microbiology by the Tel Aviv University. For 26 years and awaiting his departure in 1988 he worked as the director of medical laboratories.

The sharp twist in his life in which he gets realized occurred in the initial week of 1969 even as attractive a bus to work. The turn is well indication, amongst others, in his writings. 1988 was the year when the general media experience of his reflective and spiritual lifework began. While that time, messages and solutions to a mixture of issues have been both aired by national TV and radio channels, and extensively covered by the press in Israel.

Further than 60 titles of his were published in Israel, some of which were translate into English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Greek, Malayalam, Bulgarian, Portuguese, Korean, Serbo-Croatian, Hungarian and Romanian. His script contain: fictional and nonfiction, novels, juvenile, a new genre- “The Documented Story” and discourses.

Swami Shlomo Kalo Wallpaper

Guru Shlomo Kalo Photo

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bhaktaraj Maharaj

Bhaktaraj Maharaj

Satguru Shri Anantananda Saish, The huge saint who was holy by Shri Saibaba of Shirdi had talented two huge disciples to the globe viz. H. H. Baba (H. H. Bhaktaraj Maharaj was lovingly addressed as Baba by His devotees). The previous (H. H. Bhuranand baba) became a sanyasi staying in a small cottage at Mehtakhedi near Badwah in M.P. and expert penance for years jointly on the bank of the river Narmada helping numerous sadhus and sanyasis who visited his cottage.

The further believer was twisted into a Rajyogi for the release of the devotees attentive in the illusions of the experienced life. “It is not the things and matter that should be deserted but quite their appeal that should be given up”, says he.

Still in his early life before meeting the Guru he was basically a good and pious man with a profound passion for Bhajans and sympathy for the poor and the helpless. Once he had scattered all the crackers in a shop to the poor children on the street and rewarded all the money he had to shop-keeper.

Shri Anantananda Saish had distorted him after keeping him a religious spell always for six months when people took him to be a lunatic and a mad man.

His Guru said “he will make the whole world mad-a prophency that did come true since he did create the world mad with his Guru had said that they are not diverse form the Ramayana and the Geeta. These Bhajans include his philosophy, his communication to the world and the depths of his spiritual knowledge. These Bhajans have proved to be the hunt lights for the spiritual aspirants and perennials source of rich fragrance for the devotees.

Bhaktaraj Maharaj Wallpaper

Bhaktaraj Maharaj Picture

Bhaktaraj Maharaj Snaps

Bhaktaraj Maharaj Photo

Bhaktaraj Maharaj

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Gurudev Jangalidas Maharaj

Gurudev Jangalidas Maharaj

Vishwatmak Gurudev generally known as Jangli Maharaj, a name given by the common man throughout his time, was incarnated as the Universal power by Brahma, Vishnu & Mahesh. This Universal power Vishwatmak Gurudev Started his work for the downtrodden and meditated deeply in the forest i.e. Jungle & that is why he was called as Jangli Maharaj by the comman man passing and considering him. Vishwatmak Gurudev visited Karadga, Nerla, Rethered Harnaksha and made these seats as sacred and religious places. Finally he came to Bhamburde.

In his last phase of rigorous meditation he gave Guru Mantra to one of his supporter known as Tekawadekar Maharaj and told him that, “I will maintain to work in my next personification. This symbol was Swastik Darshan and in 1890 A.D Vishwatmak Gurudev i.e. Jangli Maharaj left for next destiny.

In Mumbai there was a boy who very loved of religion and forever uses to consider. His parents were happy to recognize this truth but were also troubled that he may depart them, so for security they use to put him in a protected room. This was at his age of nine. One fine early dawn this boy was taken out through a small opening of the door by the general control i.e. Vishwatmak Gurudev alias Jangli Maharaj and was given “Vishwatmak Darshan” i.e. actual revelation of huge. That nine year old boy is known to people as “Janglidas Maharaj” i.e. this name was force upon by the collection but the actual name given by his Sadguru. Vishwatmak Gurudev is OM GURUDEV.

During his first incarnation Vishwatmak Gurudev was asked by Universal Power that what will be your next personification called or named? Behind this question Vishwatmak Gurudev opened his closed first and many flowers flew from his hands to ground symbols a name “OM GURUDEV”. Hence Sadguru Janglidas Mauli is now called as OM GURUDEV. This name might not approach in to survival for some time because of his innocent devotees, but freshly one of his very close believers had very moving dreams instructing him to call his Sadguru as Om Gurudev.

Already many years back Om Gurudev was in apply as the word of greeting between devotees and so all were happy to identify that they were already calling their Sadguru by his unique name “Om Gurudev at the age of sixteen Om Gurudev came to Bhamburde at Pune and took Swastik Darshan which was the sign given by Vishwatmak Gurudev in his first life to Tekwadekar Maharaj recognized the sign was intensely happy to see and meet his Sadguru. Once attractive Swastik Darshan Om Gurudev was certain Guru Mantra and was asked to go to Yeola in Nasik district. A huge saint Swami Muktananda Maharaj had trained tapsya in the meditated for eleven months in a closed room without food & water. Behind that he traveled barefooted on a pilgrimage of whole India & also made Narmada Pradakshina & took the job of human benefit according to his Guru’s will and wish.

The first duty he was reform of the old temple at Divshi, Tal. Patan, Dist. Satara. Shortly on he reconstructed the temples at Karadga Tal Chikodi District Belgaum and at Nerla Tal. Walwa Dist. Sangali. He started satsang during which he gave the religious message that God lives in our spirit and is attained through meditation. Gurudev Jangli Maharaj completes his heavenly work and took ‘Samadhi’ at Bhamburda – (Shivajinagar, Pune ) in 1890. Toward persists his work Gurudev Janglidas Maharaj Incarnated and visited the places wherever Jangli Maharaj had located up Ashram. At final he came in the Ashram of Nerla in Sangli district, Sangali. He started satsang through which he gave the religious message that God life in our Heart and it attain through meditation.

Gurudev Jangli Maharaj completed his divine work and took ‘Samadhi ‘at Bhamburda – (Shivajinagar, Pune) in 1890. To persist his work Gurudev Janglidas Maharaj Incarnated and visited the rest wherever Jangli Maharaj had locate up Ashram. At final he came in the Ashram of Nerla in Sangli region.

“HRUDAYA MANDIRI MAJH PAHATI TAYASI HOYA MAJHI PRAPTI” is the Prabhu sandhesh (Gurudev’s message) which was specified by Gurudev Jangalidas Maharaj’s gurudev, VISHWATMAK GURUDEV JANGALI MAHARAJ of pune.

Below Gurudev Jangali Maharaj’s direction Guruji (Vishwatmak Gurudev Jangalidas Maharaj) additional says that the simply way to bring up the spiritual lift can be achieved just by means of attaining thought i.e., dhyaan itself.

The theme of preaching is that believer, sadhaks should actually perceive “The state of self“. This original state of self does exist, within a man, right from the birth. It is a part and parcel of highest self, with all manifestations. The man thinks it to be true, which is really not true. Unreal is supposed as truth. In this cycle, of illusions and attraction, the man gets accepted away, far away from reality and finds it very difficult to give up those temporary aberrations and re correct his movement orbit, in right route his destination.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

John de Ruiter

John de Ruiter

Raised in Stettler, a ranching society in central Alberta, John was brought up a Roman Catholic by Dutch settler parents.

At the period of seventeen, he practiced an ecstatic but fleeting development, which he presently described as an “awareness of truth… joy, love, and deep, inner rest.” He exhausted the next decade trying to restore that sensation.” I began to struggle and search powerfully through many special means; relentlessly pursuing everything I supposed force show me the way back,” he explains in his book of teachings.

For about Ruiter married Joyce de Ruiter in 1982. A year presently, they moved to Toronto, where they both attended a downtown Baptist seminary. But they were shortly put off by the leadership; they both felt it was too rigid. They finished one year of studies and then returned to Alberta, enrolling in the Prairie Bible institution in Three Hills.

Behind other years there, John resolute that he didn’t need any more academic training. He thought he’d get additional education on his own and interning with a priest. That’s when each thing started.

The couple attached Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Edmonton, where his wife joyce’s sister and brother-in-low, Hetty and Bob Emmerzael, were members of the congregation. Singing and open rejoining were part of normal devotion at Bethlehem, and they both felt relaxed there. Bethlehem’s priest irregularly allowable John to lecture, but words frequently failed him.

During 1984, he resolute to undertake a rite of passage: reciting his religious history to the church’s elders. This was strange; members of Bethlehem frequently waited existence before they felt the need to convey their “testimony.”

John talked for a record nine hours, recalling the story of his “awakening” and his search for reality and truth. His talking confused many in the congregation, but it made a lasting impression on Bob Emmerzael, his wife’s brother-in-law.

Quickly afterward, Bob became John’s first devotee. The two men began spending hours alone jointly, gathering about four times every week and staying up until four or five in the morning. They would frequently in John’s van. Joyce, his wife, and Hetty, Bob’s wife, were forever excluded. His wife presently recounted: “It was spooky and weird; they couldn’t actually explain what they were doing. It was forever tell to us that were doing ‘Kingdom of God’ stuff. I loved my husband, but that was the first thing I didn’t like, still thought I had to believe it: this was God’s stuff.”

John left Bethlehem Lutheran in the late 1980s, attractive five couples with him, counting Bob and Hetty. Each Friday night, they gathered at the Emmerzaels’ and listened to John lecture. Although he read from the Bible and made Christian references, his interpretations were original. He talked about death; it was about beings prepared to lose your ego, your emotions, your requests, your ideas, and your beliefs. Crash all that, and come to a pure rest. It was the way Jesus really taught, or so he led us to consider. John would embellish that rest to make it sound attractive.

Presently, the gathering moved to Sunday at the de Ruiter’s house. Over the next few years, although still acknowledging Christ, John became ever more dangerous Christianity, calling it “Satan’s masterpiece,” The assembly slowly stopped praying and singing. Then John closed education. “There was a year or two when completely nothing happened in these meetings; it was called a ‘sifting time.’ Attendants would moreover sit in silence or would socialize and tell jokes.

It was now that de Ruiter began to great his trademark techniques. “I remember sitting in those meeting so many times, listening to a questioner, and watching john pick distant their life, or their life, or their self,” his wife says. “Let’s say they ran a charitable organization. Perhaps it was very genuine. He would take it apart, so that it was all about them, their own self-esteem and personal agenda. And you would presently totally undo people.”

Swami John de Ruiter Photo

Saint John de Ruiter Wallpaper

John de Ruiter Wallpaper

Guru John de Ruiter Pictures

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sri Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura Prabhupada

Sri Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura Prabhupada

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur Prabhupada (February 3, 1874 – January 1, 1937)[1][2], was a extremely powerful priest of Gaudiya Vaishnavism during India in the late 19th and early 20th Century. He was born as Bimal Prasad Dutta in the seaside pilgrimage municipality of Jagannath Puri, Orissa, India.


His father was the Vaishnava scholar Sri Kedarnath Dutta, Later known as Bhaktivinoda Thakur, the initial to there the teaching of Chaitanyite Vaishnavism to the English talking world and was notable Gaudiya Vaishnava Theologian. Bimal Prasad was famous for having a burning preaching force and particularly delicate brains.

Through the time he was twenty-five years old, Bimala Prasada had acquired an inspiring status as a scholar of Sanskrit, mathematics, and astronomy. Control and publication of an early huge, Surya Siddhanta, won him the title Siddhanta Sarasvati in gratitude of his huge knowledge.

In 1905, following the suggestion of his father, Siddhanta Sarasvati established religious beginning from Gaurakisora dasa Babaji. While Gaurakisora data Babaji was famous as a good person and huge devotee of Krishna, he was illiterate and left no scriptural additions to the ritual of Vaishnava religion. Content with the humility and culture of his extremely cultured believer, Srila Gaurikisora gave him his full approval and requested him to “lecture the complete Truth and maintain away all other work.”Siddhartha Sarasvati then proved himself a capable supporter in the missionary work of his father.                                        

Since the very creation of Chaitanya’s bhakti progress in Bengal, Haridasa Thakur and other Muslim or Hindu by birth were the participants. This honesty established a boost from Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s modern vision in the late 19th century and was institutionalized by Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati in his Gaudiya Matha in the 20th century.

Upon the death of Bhaktivinoda Thakura in 1914, Siddhanta Sarasvati become editor of his father’s journal, Sajjana-tosani, and founded the Bhagwat compress for publication of Vaishnava literature. Then in 1918, Siddhanta Sarasvati established the renounced order of religious life, assuming the title Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Maharaja. For the function of propagating Krishna-bhakti during India, he prepared the Gaudiya Math, with sixty-four branches throughout the country. The headquarters of his task, the Caitanya Gaudiya Math, was situated in Sridhama Mayapur, the birthplace of Lord Caitanya. He would currently send disciples to Europe for disciple work.

Present has not been, there will not be, such benefactors of the highest merit as Mahaprabhu and his devotees have been. The present of other benefits only a deception; it is fairly a huge harm, wherever the advantage done by him and his followers is the truest and supreme eternal benefit done by him and his followers is the truest and greatest eternal benefit. This benefit is not for one particular country, causing trouble to further; but it benefits the whole world. 

Sri Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura Prabhupada Wallpapers

Sri Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura Prabhupada

Saint Sri Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura Prabhupada Photo

Guru Sri Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura Prabhupada Pictures

Friday, April 3, 2009

Swami Brahmananda Saraswati

Swami Brahmananda Saraswati

Brahmananda Saraswati (1871 – 1953) a Hindu Guru who was born into a Brahmin family in the village of Gana, near Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh, India. At the period of nine he left home to stroll and follow a religious path of rejection. At the age 14 he found his master, Dandi Swami Krishnanand Saraswati, in Uttar Kashi.

Afterward, following his master’s opening, he retired to a yield; decide not to appear waiting until he had attained enlightenment. In 1904 he was initiated in to the order of “Sannyas” by his Master at the Kumbh Mela. In 1941, once decades of thought and maintain quiet, Swami Brahmananda Saraswati lastly decades of thought peace, Swami Brahmananda Saraswati finally established frequent request to become the Shankaracharya of Jyotirmath, a place that been empty for about 150 years.

The Adi Shankara the huge reviver of Vedic Santana Dharma Had four principal followers. Padma-Pada, Hasta-Malaka, Swami Brahmananda Saraswati was the guru of Mahesh Yogi, who became his devotee curtly before his equipment. The Maharishi’s devotees value and revere “Guru Dev” as their Paramguru.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi confirmed that he was just a means for the grace of his Guru. It is the blessings of Guru Dev that are invoked throughout the TM Puja opening ritual, that every TM practitioner knowledge.

It is essential to bifurcate the work of the mind as main and secondary. Apply your body mainly and your mind secondarily to you works.  

Swami Swami Brahmananda Saraswati Pictures

Swami Brahmananda Saraswati Snaps

Swami Brahmananda Saraswati Photos

Swami Brahmananda Saraswati Images

Swami Brahmananda Saraswati

Saint Swami Brahmananda Saraswati Photos

Images Swami Brahmananda Saraswati

Guru Swami Brahmananda Saraswati Wallpapers

Guru Swami Brahmananda Saraswati Wallpaper

Gallery Swami Brahmananda Saraswati



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