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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Shree Nardev Kothari Ji

Sri Nardev Kothari Ji was born on 23rd December, 1951 in the small village of Jokhani Uttarkashi District, State of Uttrachal, India.

Shri Abhay Ram Kothari, his father is a well-known priest of the area and Srimati Soni Devi, his mother is a housewife. Since his childhood, Nardev Kothari was so quiet by nature and preferred to stay alone.

Because of constraining his passions in previous birth severely and forcibly, he had to enter in marriage life only at the age of 19. Actually he was not interesting in married life but he got married.

Sri Nardev Kothari authorized by his Holiness “Shri Devendra Vigyani Maharaj” to sanctify spiritual aspirants through Shaktipat i.e.Awakening of Kundalini Shakti Initiation.

Shree Nardev Kothari Ji Photo

Sri. Nardev Kothari Maharaj Dance photo

Swami Gopal Tirth Ji Maharaj

Swami Gopal was born on 23rd February, 1938, Ghaziabad. He belongs from the family where many Yogis and Sanyasi's had been born. He was the nephew of P.P.Swami Shri VishnuTirthji Maharaj-a left Shaktipatacharya.

Swami Gopal’s parents were extremely devoted and pious sadhak as the atmosphere of his family was highly disciplined, spiritual and cultured and these all abilities and skills are inherited to Swamiji. He was only 12 years old when his father was expired. His mother by name Pujniya Smt.Kaushalya Devi grew up all children-Swamiji, his brothers, his sisters. His parents have initiation of Shaktipat.

Gopal Tirth Ji has completed his graduation. Swamiji had worked as an engineer in Indian and Merchant. He had joined Paramilitary and Army forces where the post of First class Gazetted officer was held by him. In 1968, he was married and blessed with a son and two daughters.

In 1989, as per Swamiji’s Satguru P.P.Swami ShivomTirthji Maharaj’s permisiion, he got retired voluntary from the government service. In 1974, he got the initiation of Shaktipat after that in Feb.1992; by P.P.Swami ShivomTirthji Maharaj, he was ordained a “Sanyas order” at the Pawan Tirth of Kshipra, Ujjain (MP).

Swami Gopal Swamiji is living at Narayankuti Sanyas Ashram presently and carrying out duty of initiating hopefuls as order given by P.P Swami ShivomTirthji Maharaj.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Swami Kriyananda (J. Donald Walters)

Swami Kriyananda (J. Donald Walters) who was born on 19th May, 1926 is a founder of Ananda that is one of the leading exponents of yogic teachings worldwide. He is a disciple of great Yogi Paramahansa Yogananda (1893 – 1952) and always guided by him.

Kriyananda became a minister for Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF) though the support of Guru Paramahansa Yogananda who authorized him to teach Kriya Yoga. He was appointed by his Guru the first chief monk. In 1960, he was elected not only as Vice President of SRF but also a member of Board of Directors.

It’s very surprising thing that Swami Kriyananda is not only the author of over 100 books but also the composer(creator) of over 400 pieces of music. Over the 3 million copies of his music and books have been sold and moreover published in 90 countries, in 25 languages. His lectures have been spread worldwide and in addition to English it is his skill and ability that he can speak more than one language like Italian, Greek, Romanian, Spanish, French, German, Indonesian, Bengali and Hindi.

The Life Story of Swami Kriyananda has been covered in some points that are:

Spent years with Yogananda
Spreading his Guru’s Teachings
Founding the Ananda Spiritual Communities
Swami Kriyananda’s Books and Music
The Lawsuits, and the Fight for Freedom
Ananda India: The Culmination of a Life’s Work

The adventure of his lifetime: “the search for joy in God.” was begun only at the age of 22 and after the guidance of his Guru Swami Kriyananda has been inspiring numerous people worldwide for 60 years. Kriyananda’s two overwhelming desires are “to find God and help others”.

Saint Shree Swami Kriyananda Maharaj Photo

Saint Swami Kriyananda Picture

Swami Kriyananda Maharaj

Guru Swami Kriyananda Maharaj Photo

J. Donald Walters Photo

Shree Swami Kriyananda Ji Wallpaper

Swami Kriyananda Image

Swami Kriyananda ji Picture

Sri Swami Krishnananda Saraswati

Swami Krishnananda (1922-2001) also known as Sri Swami Krishnananda Saraswati Maharaj who born on 25th April, 1922, was a great Saint of Hindu. He was from extremely orthodox and religious Brahmin family by whom “Subbaraya” name was given to him.

Swami Krishnananda was a first disciple of great Swami Sivananda and founder of this institution. From 1958 to 2001, he had served as a general Secretary of the Divine Life Society in Rishikesh, India.

He was also a great author and more than 200 texts were written by him. His lectures on yoga, metaphysics and religion were widely spread effectively. His several lectures that were known for his style, structure and sophistication, were delivered without rehearsal. “The Realization of the Absolute”, “The Philosophy of Life” and “The Philosophy of Religion” is best known for Swami Krishnananda’s work.

Swami Krishnananda had performed his role as President of the Sivananda Literature Research Institute and Sivananda Literature Dissemination Committee. His best service for 20 years, was as editor of Divine Life Magazine – a monthly newspaper of Divine Life Society.

Swami Krishnananda was a great and respected writer, especially on sociology, psychology and metaphysics. He was the best inspiring saint with excellent presentations to give the answers of any questions, arising confrontation day to day in mankind.

On the 23rd of November, 2001 swamiji had attained Mahasamadhi.

Saint Shree Swami Krishnananda Photo

Saint Swami Krishnananda ji

Swami Krishnanandaji Saraswati Maharaj

Guru Swami Krishnananda ji Image

Swami Krishnananda Saraswati

Swami Krishnananda Maharaj Picture

Swami Krishnananda Maharaj Photo

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Swami Premanandaji

Swami Premananda is a living enlightened spiritual master who born in 1951 in central Sri Lanka. He proved his name which means the master of almighty love (Prema) and sovereign delight (Ananda). He is a real master of East and an experienced teacher who reduces the clouds of ignorance from the human mind.

Swamiji had an extraordinary and unbelievable knowledge and spiritual power that was obvious from his childhood. At very small age of 17, he renounced the world and begun his mission for spiritual. Still he had been helping countless people of not a particular religion but all religion similarly and nationalities.

Premananda’s message and mission is to prove the existence of God and he wants to encourage and by bringing all on the path of spiritual, he lights the way to our internal truth. He encourages to all seeker of spiritual way to find the almighty within them self.

Swamiji spends most his time to discuss with the spiritual seekers and has ever time for all to talk about their inner spiritual ideas, hope and feelings.

Swami Premananda has his main spiritual centre in Tamil Nadu, South India and more around the world.

Saint Shree Premananda Maharaj Photo

Saint Shree Premananda Maharaj Picture

Premananda Maharaj Photo

Shree Saint Premananda ji Picture

Premananda Swami Maharaj ji

Guru Swami Premananda Maharaj

Premananda Maharaj Ji Wallpaper

Swami Nikhilananda

Swami Nikhilananda (1895–1973) was born as Dinesh Chandra Das Gupta. Nikhilananda who was a disciple of divine Mother Sri Sarada Devi, was born in a very small village, India in the year of 1895. In 1924, he was ordained as a priest of the Ramakrishna Order.

Nikhilananda spent more than a few years in the Himalayan monastery and between that time duration, he studied about Hinduism, religion and other philosophy systems. Later in 1931, he went to America. In 1933, he institutionalized the Ramakrishna-Vivekananda, Center of New York and remained as spiritual leader till his death in 1973.

Nikhilananda was skilled thinker and writer. He had translated Shree Ramakrishna Kathamrita from Bengali into English that was his best contribution, published under the title “The Gospel of Shree Ramakrishna (1942)”.

Swami Nikhilanandaji Photo

Swami Nikhilananda Maharaj Photo

Guru Swami Nikhilanandaji Maharaj

Saint shree Swami Nikhilananda Picture

Saint Swami Nikhilananda

Swami Nikhilananda & Kids Photo

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Paramahansa Yoganand Maharaj

Yogender Vigani was also known as Yoganand Maharaj. The details about his birth related date and place in unknown and not sure. But it is said that he was born on Vasant Panchami, in the small village near to Veraval in Saurashtra, Gujarat-India, in the end of the 19th century.

Yoganand maharaj was considered as one of the great famous exponents of ‘Hathyoga’ and mighty spiritual leader of “Shaktipat parampara” and his yogic artistries were simply remarkable. Through Swami Narayan Teerth Dev Maharaj also known as Madariwala, he got the Shaktipat diksha.

Yogiraj’s details of biographical were very less as he scanty discussed and rarely said about his own life. As he had long quest for Yoga and kundalini awakening, he left is house in the year 1909, and decided to start wondering for it. He spent his most time in several ashrams and well-read about yogic Kriyas as he has curiosity for that. Though he became master and skilled “Hath-Yogi” but enabled to get a true experience.

Sain Shree Paramahansa Yogananda Maharaj Picture

Paramahansa Yogananda Color Face Photo

Sawami Shree Pramahansa Yogananda Ji Maharaj

Paramahansa Yogananda Maharaj Photo

Guru Paramahansa Yogananda Ji Photo

Paramahansa Yogananda Maharaj

Swami Turiyananda

Swami Turiyananda was born in wealthy family, on 3 rd January, 1863 in North Kolkata. His monastical name was Harinath Chattopadhyay.

Hari lost his parents in his childhood when he was so little in age. But his elder brother had taken his responsibility and tried his best for growing him up. He passed his final examination of school but refused to join to college. He decided to devote his all time to meditation and analyzed Sankara’s Advaita Vedanta.

When he reached at the maturity age about 17 years, first time he met Sri Ramakrishna at Dakshineswar. He was influenced by him and started often to meet the master and finely he was regarded as “Yogi” by Master. Hari gave her all possible services as a member of youngster’s team and during the illness of Sri Ramakrishna; he also served him at Cossipore.

When the Master passed away, Hari connected with Baranagar Math and took ordination as Sanyasa assuming the name “Turiyananda”. He left the monastery after three years and passed his all time doing Tapasya at various places. Sometimes he preferred alone or sometimes with his monastic brothers. When Swami Vivekananda went to the West for the next time, he took Swami Turiyananda with him. Swamiji returned from west to India but Turiyananda continued his work in New York and Boston and after in California. However, his health got worse so he left America in June 1902.

When Turiyananda came back to India, he shocked to hear about the death of Swami Vivekananda. Later he devoted his several years in practicing vivid contemplation in Vrindavan, in the various places of Himalaya, Kankhal, Almora , Dehra Dun etc.

Finely, he took root in Varanasi in February 1919. In last few years, cause of having diabetes, he suffered much and then died on 21 July 1922 by repeating Upanishadic Mantras.

Swami Turiyananda ji Photo

Swami Turiyananda Picture

Swami Turiyananda Wallpaper



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