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Friday, December 5, 2008

Swami Vivekananda

Swami Vivekananda

Swami Vivekananda was born on 12 January 1863, and died on 4 July 1902 (aged 39). During his individual motherland Vivekananda is observe as the patriot saint of present India and an inspirer of her dormant national awareness, To the Hindus he preach the great of a strength-giving and man-making faith.

Service to man as the evident appearance of the Godhead was the unique form of worship he advocated for the Indians, devoted as they were to the rituals and myths of their antique belief. Many political leaders of India have advertising recognize their indebtedness to Swami Vivekananda.


Viveka Nanda Wallpaper

Viveka Nanda Picture

Viveka Nanda Image

Viveka Nanda

Swami Vivekanand Wallpaper

Swami Vivekanand Picture

Swami Vivekanand Photo

Swami Viveka Nanda

Photo of Swami Vivekanand

Swami Sivananda

Swami Sivananda

Swami Sivananda
was born in Sep 8, 1887, and died on July 14, 1963. Swami Radha was among the first Westerners and initial women to bring Yoga to the west. In 1955 behind having a great creative knowledge creative skill of her guru, she left everything and traveled to India to gather Swami Sivananda.

In February 1956, she was initiated into sanyas, a commitment to a living of gallant check and renunciation, and was asked to arrival to Canada to create an ashram and numerous centers of light.

Swami Radhananda became president of yasodhara Ashram in 1993 and was initiated in to sanyas in 1994. She carries onward the spirit of Swami Radha’s work with originality and practicality. Instrumental in raising the Teacher Training series at the Ashram, she has also effectively opened the method for little people to become occupied in yoga-both during the Ashram’s young Adult series and through break at descent magazine.

Swami Sivananda Wallpaper

Swami Sivananda Snaps

Swami Sivananda Pictures

Swami Sivananda Photo

Swami Sivananda Images

Swami Sivananda Photo

Swami Shyam

Swami Shyam

Hindu Guru Swami Shyam has been exciting and guiding his friends in knowledge from all above the globe for the previous three decades. He has realized the spirit, or truth, of life – the everlasting, indivisible Oneness of the so-called creature and the evident world.

This sence of Oneness is the key that unlocks the bond of reservation, scepticism, fear, confusion, and worthlessness of being, from which all persons, consciously or innocently, are demanding to be free.

Swami Shyam Wallpapers

Swami Shyam Wallpaper

Swami Shyam Snaps

Swami Shyam Pictures

Swami Shyam Photo

Swami Shyam Images

Swami Shyam Wallpaper

Swami Satyananda

Swami Satyananda

Swami Satyananda was born on 1923, Swami Satyananda is consider to be one of the chief services in bring yoga to Austraila and certainly the west. He traveled the globe tirelessly for more twenty years division the insight of Yoga.

Throughout this time he wrote more than 80 books on Yoga, Tantra and religion. Swami Satyananda leaves from the public life in 1988 to work for mankind’s upliftment in a further entire way. He currently lives in a little Village in Jarkhand in India, where he is effective to maintain the local society and progress their feature of life.

Swami Satyananda Wallpaper

Swami Satyananda Snaps

Swami Satyananda Pictures

Swami Satyananda Photo

Swami Satyananda

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Swami Rama

Swami Rama

Hindu Guru Swami Rama was born on (1925 – 1996). Swami Rama was one of the unusual ones of the 20th century. Swami Rama provides millions of people. Through installing no successor, he is succeeded by at least seven swamis, several pandits, and numerous further teachers.

Hindu Guru Swami Rama sacrificed a living of ease and serenity in the Himalayas to come out in to the bundle and activity of our recent globe for the assistance of others. This examine was mainly visibly certain during a handful of institute or institutions that were moreover founded straight by Swami Rama, or were recognized by students at his teaching or support. However, he trained and serves wherever he go, as an emissary of the Himalayan masters, often independent of several exacting experienced institute.

Swami Rama Wallpapers

Swami Rama Wallpaper

Swami Rama Snaps

Swami Rama Pictures

Swami Rama Photo

Swami Rama Photo

Swami Rama Images

Swami Rama Wallpaper

Swami Rama Wallpaper

Swami Rama Tirtha

Swami Rama Tirtha

Swami Rama Tirtha was born on October 22, 1873 and Died on October 17, 1906.

Swami Rama Tirtha, before known as Gossain Tirtha Rama, was born in 1873, at Murariwala, a township in the region of Gujranwala, Punjab, India. His mother approved away while he was however a few days old and he was brought up by his senior brother, Gossain Gurudas.

When a child Swami Rama Tirtha, previously very tender of listening to recitations from the Holy Scriptures and presence Kathas. Rama Tirtha frequently set difficulty and still presented. He was very clever and respected solitude.

Swami Rama was hardly ten years old while his father got him wedded. Rama’s father missed him below the mind of his friends, Bhakta Dhana Rama, a man of huge clarity and cleanness of life. Rama regarded him as his Guru, and presented to him his body and spirit in profound dedication.

Swami Rama Tirtha Wallpapers

Swami Rama Tirtha Pictures

Swami Rrama Tirtha Photo

Swami Niranjanananda

Swami Niranjanananda

Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati was born in Rajnandgaon (MP) in 1960 and linked the Bihar School of Yoga, Munger (Bihar) in 1964. Begin in to the Dashnami Sannyasa practice in 1970 by his Guru, Swami Satyananda Saraswati, he traveled overseas in 1971, establish Ashrams and Yoga Centres in Europe, Australia, North and South America.

Swami Niranjanananda has been guide the behavior of Bihar School of Yoga, Sivananda Math and the Yoga explore basis since 1983. He establish Sri Panchdashnam Paramahamsa Alakh Bara in 1991 to additional the work of his Guru, Swami Satyananda Saraswati. In 1994 he establish the Bihar Yoga Bharati, an Institute for Advanced studies in Yogic Sciences, and the BAL yoga Mitra Mandal group in 1995 to begin children to yoga.

Swami Niranjanananda Wallpapers

Swami Niranjanananda Wallpaper

Swami Niranjanananda Pictures

Swami Niranjanananda Photo

Swami Niranjanananda

Swami Niranjanananda

Swami Janakananda

Swami Janakananda

Hindu Guru Swami Janakananda was born in Corpenhagen, Denmark, in 1939. While he had previously educated to use easy yoga poses, while he was 19, realized that he essential being a yogi.

This trance was not satisfied directly, but in the existence that followed he began to discover the potential of yoga during his own perform – on body and intellect – which he undertook with huge interest and devotion.

On his revisit to Denmark in the summer of 1970, Swami janakananda founded the Scandinavian Yoga and reflection School. The initial school in Copenhagen grows rapidly and split out to extra spaces.

Swami Janakananda Wallpapers

Swami Janakananda Pictures

Swami Janakananda Photo

Swami Janakananda Photo

Swami Janakananda Images



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